
Strap Conversion Doors

Forny dørene med Schweiss Strap Conversion – Den ultimate oppgraderingen!

Schweiss Strap Conversion er den ultimate løsningen for å oppgradere dine eksisterende hydrauliske eller dobbeltfoldede dører. Med sin innovative design erstatter dette konverteringssettet utdaterte kabler med sterke, holdbare stropper som gir overlegen ytelse og pålitelighet. Ved å oppgradere til Schweiss Strap Conversion kan du oppleve jevnere, raskere dørdrift, redusert vedlikeholdsbehov og økt effektivitet. I tillegg kan settet enkelt installeres av en profesjonell eller gjør-det-selv-entusiast, noe som gjør det til en kostnadseffektiv måte å forbedre dørens ytelse på. Ikke nøy deg med utdatert teknologi – oppgrader dørene dine med Schweiss Strap Conversion og nyt fordelene med moderne, effektiv drift.


Tired of Cable Doors? Join the Schweiss Strap Conversion Revolution!
Are you tired of dealing with the outdated, unsafe, and costly maintenance of cable bifold doors? Schweiss has the solution – our innovative Strap Conversion kit. With our design, you can retrofit any existing bifold door with our Lift Straps, no matter the make or model. Our Lift Straps are longer-lasting, more durable, and never rust or tangle, providing a faster and quieter door operation. Plus, with a soft start and stop feature, your bifold door will last even longer. Trust Schweiss – our Lift Straps carry a 10-year warranty and outlast cables by three times or more. Upgrade to the latest and greatest in bifold door technology with Schweiss Strap Conversion.

For years, bifold doors have been lifted and lowered by the conventional means of steel cables. Schweiss Doors have been using the popular, long-lasting lift straps for over 20 years. Now 99 percent of our customers are demanding polyester lift straps for this function. Why? Because lift straps offer more lifting ability, won’t fray or overwrap! The strength-to-weight ratio on straps is extremely high. The 3-inch straps are rated at 29,000 lbs., where 1/4″ cables are rated at only 7,200 lbs. In addition, the safety factor on straps is well over the standard 5:1 ratio.

Why use cables when Lift Straps are stronger, longer-lasting, and easier to maintain?
Cables require more maintenance meaning more downtime

  • Loose cables cause problems
  • Cables wear out faster and fray easily over time
  • Uneven cable wrapping causes problems
  • Cables wrap next to each other and cause wear
  • Cables tend to walk all over the lift drum and cause problems
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